The Almshouses

Almshouses are run by independent local charities. They provide self-contained low-cost housing, mostly to older people who have a low income. They often cater for particular categories of people, for example if you’ve worked for a certain trade or you’ve been living in the area for a number of years. There are generally a small number of houses grouped together.
In Lapworth the Almshouses are located at Pound Close, Old Warwick Road (at the base the water tower). There are 11 ground-floor one-bedroom units.

The Residents pay a weekly maintenance contribution (WMC) which is similar to a rent, but is different in law, and is lower than a commercial rent. The majority of almshouse residents are of retirement age, of limited financial means and previously residents of Lapworth.

Unlike some Almshouses there is no warden at Pound Close and residents need to be capable of independent living. The Charity aims to ensure that residents have dignity, freedom and independence to live their lives as they see fit within a safe and secure environment. Almshouses are considered homes for life until a resident feels that they can no longer manage to live independently and need to move on to where their health needs can be catered for more appropriately.

How to apply for an Almshouse

The Charity does not retain a waiting list for almshouses. All vacancies are advertised in the Lapworth & Baddesley Clinton Parish Magazine which is delivered to all households within the parish, by poster on the village notice boards and on the Lapworth information website.

Applicants have to live or have a close connection with Lapworth at the time of their application, are normally of retirement age and of limited means.

The Trustees endeavour to appoint the most suitable applicant at the time a vacancy arises.

An application form is available to download here.

Registered Charity Number 1200967

activities of the Charity are determined by a governing document which is registered with the Charity Commission. Find out more...

For further information

Please email our Secretary/Administrator, Helen Wollerton, for more information.
Or complete our
online enquiry form...
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