History of The Lapworth Charity

Between the 15th and 18th centuries the following made gifts for the benefit of St Mary’s Church and the people of Lapworth:

1440. George Ashby senior gave lands for the maintenance of the church.

1479. John Hill, rector of the parish, purchased lands and tenements in Lapworth, Nuthurst, and Beaudesert, for the maintenance of the church.

1454. Elenor Ford, widow, gave two closes* and a meadow (called the Ford Fields) to the church.

1511. Thomas Underwood and wife Catherine gave lands to the church, poor, and highways.

1527. Roger Sly gave a cottage and lands to the poor and highways.

1568. John Collett of Nuthurst gave a close* for either the relief of the poor or repair of the highways and churches of Lapworth and Nuthurst.

1579. John Mountford gave three messuages** and a close* for the relief of the poor.

1599. Richard Thorneal of Shrewley gave 5 shillings a year to the poor of the parish.

1701. Isaac Morteboys of Nuthurst gave 5 shillings a year to the poor of the parish.

1729. Humphry Shakespear gave 20 shillings a year for the poor of the parish.

1912. Henry Billing bequeathed £500 to be distributed by way of blankets and coal for ‘the deserving poor of the parish, irrespective of creed’.

The land, properties and funds and those derived from them have been combined together and now provide a unified fund known as the Lapworth Charity, the income of which is used to provide the same kind of benefits indicated by the original benefactors.

In the early 1960’s the Trustees, with consent of the Charity Commission, built almshouse accommodation at Pound Close on the Old Warwick Road, which was previously the site of near derelict cottages owned by the Charity. Eight bungalows were constructed in 1963 and six flats in 1972.

* close - an enclosed area of land which may be enclosed by a hedge, a fence or a wall
** messuage - a dwelling house with outbuildings and land assigned to its use.

Registered Charity Number 1200967

The activities of the Charity are determined by a governing document which is registered with the Charity Commission.
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