Grants to Individuals

The charity is able to consider grants to residents of Lapworth, of limited financial means, to assist with the following: Social care expenses, education and training, travel costs to and from hospital and rehabilitation.

Support for students - academic year 2024/25
The Lapworth Charity makes Academic Grants, currently up to £900 per annum, to students whose home address is within the parish of Lapworth. These grants are given to assist students with costs for accommodation, books, computer equipment and travel for study at College and University. (Expenses funded by the Government Loan Scheme are not eligible).
An academic grant application form is available here.

School/College transport for young persons - academic year 2024/25
Now that Warwickshire County Council no longer funds transport to and from school/college for students aged 16-19, the Trustees of the Lapworth Charity will consider grants to cover up to 50% of the costs. To be eligible, applicants have to live in the parish of Lapworth and will be required to provide proof of expenditure. These grants are normally only paid when household income is less than £50,000 although grants may be considered if the income is above this sum and there are other factors to be taken into consideration.

Consideration will also be given to applications on behalf of students under 16 years old who are not attending their nearest ‘qualifying’ school.

Chiropody Services
The Lapworth Charity makes grants to cover 50% of Chiropody costs for individuals who require non-NHS treatment, are in receipt of a State Pension with a total income below the HMRC threshold for payment of income tax.
A chiropody services application form is available here.

Winter Fuel Payments
One of the original benefactors of the Lapworth Charity was paper merchant Mr Henry Billing who was born at The Boot Inn in 1833, later moving to Catesby House. Upon his death in 1912, Mr Billing bequeathed £500 to be distributed by the Trustees of the Lapworth Charity Estates by way of blankets and coal for ‘the deserving poor of the parish, irrespective of creed’.

Today the Charity continues to honour the wishes of Henry Billing by providing a financial contribution, currently £300 per annum, towards winter fuel costs. Grants are payable to Lapworth residents of retirement age whose total income is below the HMRC threshold for payment of income tax. Eligible residents receive a payment in December of each year.
A winter fuel application form is available here.

Financal Hardship
If you are a resident of the parish of Lapworth and are currently experiencing ‘general’ financial hardship, it may be that the Charity could provide you with a supportive grant. In the first instance, please email the Secretary/Administrator for further information on how to apply.

Other grants are considered by the Charity on an individual basis and previous examples include grants for dyslexia support, special educational needs tuition and medical costs not funded by the statutory services.

For more information on any of these grants, please contact the Secretary/Administrator or use the forms provided.

Registered Charity Number 1200967

The activities of the Charity are determined by a governing document which is registered with the Charity Commission.
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Please email our Secretary/Administrator, Helen Wollerton, for more information.
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