
The activities of the Charity are determined by a governing document which is registered with the Charity Commission. There are 14 trustees, all of whom are volunteers, who have a duty to ensure that the Charity functions in accordance with the governing document.

The governing document was recently updated and the Charity now operates as a charitable incorporated organisation. All the assets, liabilities and work of the Charity were transferred to this new organisatioon on 31 March 2024.

There are four full meetings each year. In addition there are three sub-committees namely: Estates & Finance, Pound Close (Almshouses) and the Charitable Payments Committee. Each sub-committee meets on average two to three times a year.

The Charity’s income, currently around £120,000 per annum, is generated by rents from property and land and income from invested funds. The management of the property and land is undertaken by an Estate & Land Agency. The invested funds are looked after by an Investment Management Service.

Currently the Charity’s income is spent evenly between the Almshouses, Grants to Organisations and Grants to Individuals.

Please look at the documents we have filed with our regulator, the Charity Commission. To get a full picture of the history of the Charity, you will need to look at the records for charity number 210948 and the recent charitable incorporated organisation number 1200967. These records will give you a full list of trustees and the last five years' annual reports and accounts.

The Secretary/Administrator, Mrs Helen Wollerton, is employed by the charity and plays a crucial role in the functioning of the Charity. The current chair is Ms Sarah Thompson.

Trustee vacancies arise from time to time. If you are interested in becoming a trustee please contact Helen Wollerton.

Registered Charity Number 1200967

The activities of the Charity are determined by a governing document which is registered with the Charity Commission.
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For further information

Please email our Secretary/Administrator, Helen Wollerton, for more information.
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